How to Write a Vision Statement


Vision – defined as the act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be; prophetic vision; the vision of an Entrepreneur…

Vision Statement – referred to as a picture of your life / business in the future. Your vision statement will be your inspiration, your framework for all your strategic planning…

By creating a vision statement you are articulating your dreams & hopes for your life & for your business. A vision statement reminds you of the success that you are striving to achieve. It should provide you with clarity of the goals & outcomes you desire as you pursue your new venture. A vision statement doesn’t necessarily state how you will reach your destination success, rather it’s an overall concept of what you wish to accomplish. It should capture and highlight your passion. Think of your vision statement as a declaration to the universe that you are ready & willing to claim the success that is so rightfully yours…

mission statement

At this stage of business & life planning what’s important is to be unlimited; unlimited in your thinking & in your vision. Don’t be afraid to DREAM BIG & allow your imagination to run wild & free; and don’t feel the need to be completely organized in thought either. This is the perfect time to just brain storm, it is important though to put your thoughts and ideas on paper; keep in mind – to think it, is to ink it. Putting your thoughts, dreams, & goals in writing will help you to remain clear in vision & focused on what you want to accomplish in your life & in your business. Putting your goals / vision in writing will also help you stay accountable to yourself & allow you to track the accomplishment of the goals that you set for yourself & for your business.

To avoid feeling overwhelmed, you can set your vision in short term & long term intervals. For example – a vision for what you plan to accomplish within the next six months & what you plan to accomplish within the next year. Revisit these goals often, and be flexible with yourself; there may be times that you may have to readjust your vision due to life & circumstance. But, don’t let life’s unexpectancies be the reason why you lose sight of your vision. The ultimate goal is to stay focused on your vision, and stay the course till you reach your destination success…


To your success,
