
5 Ways to Make Ideas Happen


Creative types have a problem. We have so many great ideas, but most of them never see the light of day. Why do most ideas never happen? The reason is that our own creative habits get in the way. For example, our tendency to generate new ideas often gets in the way of executing the ones we have. As a result, we abandon many projects halfway through. Whether a personal website, a new business idea or a long-dreamt novel, most of these projects stagnate and become a source of frustration.

Do you have great ideas, but don’t know where to start?

If you answered “yes”, you are not alone. I work with lots of entrepreneurs who need help turning their ideas into viable businesses.

 Here is my list of 5 Ways to Make Ideas Happen:

  1. Remove the words “I can’t” from your vocabulary.
  2. Focus on the possibilities instead of the limitations.
  3. Write it down and set a deadline.
  4. Be open to feedback and suggestions.
  5. Hang around with people who make their ideas happen.
  6. START,  even if you don’t know how you are going to finish.

 Those are some ideas that have helped me, and now I want to hear from YOU!

Everyone has their own approach to generating ideas. There’s no “best way” to be creative. But when it comes to the process of executing ideas, we all face one challenge in particular: sticking with it. Most ideas are abandoned at what I’ve come to call the “project plateau”: the point when creative excitement wanes and the pain of deadlines and project management becomes burdensome. To escape this pain, we generate a new idea (and abandon the one we were working on). This process can easily repeat itself ad infinitum, without us ever finishing anything meaningful.

Show your ideas some respect, and spend some energy improving how you execute. If not for you, do it for everyone else who will benefit from your ideas once they actually see the light.

Comment below and share what you do to make ideas happen. I look forward to reading your valuable insights and suggestions. And feel free to SHARE  this list with your followers on Facebook & Pinterest!

To your success,
