visual marketing

How To Improve Your Visual Marketing On Pinterest

Each social network appeals to a specific audience. It makes sense, then, to choose the networks you use super strategically to reach the right people.

While Twitter and Facebook are solid social networks, depending on your purpose, you may have more success using networks that help you even more with visual marketing, like Pinterest.

Pinterest is great for businesses who create and sell a variety of products like creative brands, food/fashion bloggers, and more.visual marketing

Unlike other social networks where you connect with people you know, Pinterest connects people based on their common interests.

Showing people your product is one thing. In fact, it’s what most brands do to “stay active” on Pinterest. However, it’s not going to bring them results, especially in the form of follows, website visits, and most importantly, sales.

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Here are some pins that are most successful.

  • Visually appealing:It’s important to make sure your pins look really good with interesting images. The goal is to get people to stop scrolling and spend time on your pin. To do that, your pin needs to look awesome.
  • Tall images:Make your pins tall, not wide. Since Pinterest shows pins in columns, tall pins look better. Like Kevin said, this is most important when pins show on a phone, which is where Pinterest users are most active.
  • Interesting:Your pins’ image and description should be thoughtful and engaging. This will increase the chances people stop to look at your pin.
  • Detailed descriptions:While your descriptions don’t need to be super long, they should be detailed and well thought out.
  • Attention-grabbing: Use keywords and helpful details to increase the chances people will resonate with the pin. This will also help the pin show up in search results.
  • Actionable:Make your pins actionable by showing/telling the audience how to do something, or tell them where they can learn more. Use a strong call to action.

As you can tell, there is a lot of work that goes into making a successful pin. It’s not as easy as posting a picture, but if you take the time to do it right, you’re more likely to get the results you’re looking for.

What Should My Pins Look Like?

You’ll need to have high-quality imagery to get noticed. That doesn’t mean you have to be an artist or designer. It just means you have to take some visual guidelines into account when you use Pinterest for marketing.

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1. Get More Repins And Clickthroughs With Effective Colors And Custom Imagery

In this day and age, stock photography is out and custom imagery is in! According to Pinterest, Pins should be helpful, beautiful, and actionable. So get creative and use some awesome tools.

Your graphics will help you stand out from other brands, so when you create your imagery, remember that images without faces receive 23% more Repins than those with faces.

Curalate found a few key characteristics that can make your Pinterest images successful. Red and orange colored Pins get twice as many Repins than images that are blue—and Pins with multiple dominant colors, too. Color can be vital to your Pin’s success, so do a little research on the emotion behind color, and you’ll do great!

Lastly, Curalate found that Pins with smoother, less distracting backgrounds received more traffic. This follows the idea that simplicity in design is more. Plus, it’s great for mobile viewing!

power of pinterest

power of pinterest

2. Use Overlays To Include Text On Your Imagery

Another element you can add to your imagery is an overlay. Text overlays can be great for clarifying an overall message of the Pin since your photo might have a broad context.

Overlays can also be handy when you use them in embedded Pins outside of Pinterest (say embedded into your blog posts).

3. Stand Out On Pinterest Boards With Longer Images

Keep in mind the size of your visual so it displays nicely on Pinterest.

When you design your image, choose 735 pixels as your width. You can choose for your Pin to be any length that you’d like it to be.

Curalate found that Pins with a 2:3 (1,102 pixels tall) or 4:5 aspect ratio received the most traffic. Test out which size works best for you. We like to design graphics to specifically complement our blog posts, so in cases such as an infographic, the longer the better.

While it’s important to make your images look awesome, it’s even more important that you understand your content, and the message behind it. Experiment with your Pins so you can stay true to your brand. Don’t be scared to try new design tools and to share new ideas.

By planning your Pinterest content, you will ensure you’re active on those networks, sharing content consistently, and complementing your campaigns.

If you’re ready to really leverage your Pinterest presence for your business and blog, you can get your step-by-step profitable Pinterest formula by joining Profits On Pinterest.  It walks you through the exact action steps you need to take, to turn Pinterest into a client conversion machine!




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About Martine Alphonse

Martine Alphonse is the founder of Success Revolution, a go-to hub for bloggers and entrepreneurs who want to learn how to stand out and make an authentic income on the web. Through workshops, ebooks, and ecourses, Martine offers community and expertise for budding online rockstars. As a former web designer and blog coach, Martine also has experience working one-on-one with over 150 creatives. And if we're being honest, she’s also obsessed with fashion and cooking.


  1. I can’t express enough how helpful all of this information is. Great job of explaining how it works

  2. These are great tips I am going to try them when I make my next pin.

    1. That’s awesome Sophia, come back and tell me how it turned out.

  3. I’m not a fan of the ultra long pins, but I do like vertical pins. I need to think more about descriptions like you mentioned.

    1. Liz, long pin are very Pinterest friendly specially infographics.

  4. I love pinterest as a blogger and user. It is such a easy way to market your brand and discover new things. Great tips for making the most of it.

  5. Pinterest is one area that I’ve been focusing on more lately and it’s increased my traffic a ton! I definitely am taking notes!

    1. Amber, thank you for sharing how Pinterest is working for you.

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