How to Stop Failing and Live Your Dream

If you want to stop failing and live your dream then don’t give up. That’s it. Your life will change forever if you take those three words to heart.How to Stop Failing and Live Your Dream

If you want to stop failing and live your dream then don’t give up. That’s it. Your life will change forever if you take those three words to heart.

The more time around those who do what they love, the better.

There is something massively refreshing about spending time around people who have squarely found their place in the world.

Live Your Dream don’t come true because people get lucky.

People get lucky because they don’t give up. That takes a rare breed. The breed that will settle for nothing less than magnificent. It’s not about how many times you fall. Because fall you will. It’s about how many times you get up.


Where would the world be without persistence?

There would be no Lifestyle Design or 4-Hour Workweek movement. There would be 40 million fewer people whose lives had been changed worldwide thanks to Tony Robbins. There would be no iPhone, no iPad, no twitter, no Facebook. You get the idea?

What makes persistence possible?

  1. Start with why:Many people approach life thinking about what they will build or how they will do it. They miss the essence, which comes much earlier. Understand why you want to create something. This is the hardest step because it involves knowing yourself on a level few people do. It involves digging to your core and understanding your values.. Once you have a grasp on this, you can take your pick of the industry or product you apply it to. Passion doesn’t come from an idea or product. It comes from that idea fulfilling your needs and strengths as a human. Get that right and you’ll be so damn fired up, you might never sleep again.
  2. Look Fear in the eye and welcome it:Fear of failure is what keeps us from so many amazing things. Well guess what? You’re going to fail. So get over it and start building.
  3. Surround yourself with people who know you can do anything.There are haters everywhere. There’s no time for them. Create the right environment.

Persistence Rules the World.

It makes the world what it is. Seriously, look around you. None of this would be here.

Whatever you do, just keep going.



The biggest risk of me not living my professional and personal dreams came down to that one word. They didn’t talk about competition or differentiation, or feature sets or listening to the customer. While all that is important, none of it makes a freaking difference if you decide to give up. Stay the course and the majority of your competition will take care of the rest. Not quitting is the single most consistent attribute to success.

How to Stop Failing and Live Your Dream-Printable

If you believe in your path, then walk it. Simple as that. All the rest is a distraction.


To your success,




About Martine Alphonse

Martine Alphonse is the founder of Success Revolution, a go-to hub for bloggers and entrepreneurs who want to learn how to stand out and make an authentic income on the web. Through workshops, ebooks, and ecourses, Martine offers community and expertise for budding online rockstars. As a former web designer and blog coach, Martine also has experience working one-on-one with over 150 creatives. And if we're being honest, she’s also obsessed with fashion and cooking.


  1. I also believe that as soon as we lose focus of the why we also lose all persistency to reach that goal! Well written

    1. You’re right, focus is very important.

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