How to Find and Do Your Life’s Work in 10 Minutes

do your life's work

 “I don’t know what I’m passionate about. I don’t know my strengths, talents or the difference I want to make in the world. If I did, I’d be doing something about it.”


I’ve been there… a lot. You know things need to change, but without a compelling and exciting vision to work towards, finding the motivation to take the next step to find your life’s work can seem impossible.

That’s why the passion discovery process is such an important part of the first steps and why I developed my Find Your Passion Guided-Discovery Course. Because once you start to latch onto what’s possible and an idea you can’t not pursue, the snowball starts to roll.

But “not knowing” is not a free pass to sit and spin your wheels wasting your life doing something that’s not you. That’s how someday turns to never.

So today I want to offer a 10-minute 80/20 exercise that could make all the difference…

Get the answers from people close to you.

While in theory no one knows you better than you, oftentimes we get so deep in our own head, thoughts and fears that we subconsciously blind ourselves from seeing the obvious.

So instead of putting all the pressure on yourself, ask the people who know you best. Because sometimes the honest perspective of an outsider is all we need to finally see the light that’s been shining the whole time.

The process is simple: You’re going to write emails to five people close to you, asking them four questions. 

Choose people who know you well, who will be honest with you and are from different walks of life. I’d suggest a colleague, past boss, spouse, parent, 1-2 close friends and a mentor. Bonus points for sending it to 2-3 of each of the categories (the more data the better), but don’t just ask your whole family. We want people who know you in different settings.

*Note: If you already know your current or future passion project, then change these questions to what’s relevant in your journey right now. Ask about positioning ideas, pricing, products or service you could offer or whatever. Just get in the habit of getting outside your own head.


Here are your four questions, which you’re welcome to modify:

  1. What do you think are my biggest passions and why? If you can think of at least two or three, that would be great. Please explain.
  2. What do you think are my biggest natural strengths and talents? Please explain.
  3. Given the above and what you know about me, what have you always thought I’d be great at doing as a career? Or maybe as a volunteer or hobby? Please explain.
  4. And here’s the big one… Assuming you didn’t know me personally, what talent, skill or passion would you happily pay me to teach or help you with? Why?

The Worst Step is No Step

“I don’t know what I want to do,” is not an excuse for inaction.

Most adventures begin without having a clue where they’ll lead. But we excitedly embark anyway.

The pursuit of what matters is no different. If you have a change you want to make, you must be ruthlessly dedicated to progress, no matter how small. There is no certain or exact next step. There never is. So any will do. As long as you’re learning, you’re moving forward.

Build the habit of discovery.

No matter what your stage, that’s the name of the game.

Get out of your own head and ask the people who know you best. They’ll provide insights you never could.

Now, start sending!

Your task today: Take ten minutes right now and send at least two of these emails. Send the rest before the end of today. Better yet, send them all now. Bonus points for following up their responses with some live discussion, which is usually best over a workout or glass of wine (or three). 




Then come back and tell us what you learn.



To your success,




About Martine Alphonse

Martine Alphonse is the founder of Success Revolution, a go-to hub for bloggers and entrepreneurs who want to learn how to stand out and make an authentic income on the web. Through workshops, ebooks, and ecourses, Martine offers community and expertise for budding online rockstars. As a former web designer and blog coach, Martine also has experience working one-on-one with over 150 creatives. And if we're being honest, she’s also obsessed with fashion and cooking.