51 Social Media Marketing Tips to Grow Your Traffic

If you’re not driving the traffic you won’t get the sales because sales don’t typically happen on social media platforms.

#1 – Go to Buzzsumo and type in a search based on content you are interested in. Buzzsumo will then show you a list of relevant content with the most shared content appearing at the top.

#2 – Use Click to Tweet  in your content – Pick out quotes/stats and let people click a button to share out the information.

#3 – Consistently build your audience on social media. For example, use Socialquant to build an audience on Twitter, Facebook ads on Facebook.

#4 – Ask questions on social media that lead to your website – People like to know the answers to questions.

#5 – With SqueezeCMM you can create custom links for different social networks for the same piece of content.

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#6 –   Social Crawlytics will go through your site, or your competitors, and analyze all your blog content.

#7 – Come up with a better sharing strategy for your new content – You need to post it more than once. We share it immediately, 4 hours later, 8 hours later, 16 hours letter, next day, 3 days’ time, 1 weeks’ time and then every month.

#8 – Share imagery with 90% of your content – Even Twitter is an image focused platform. Create great images using tools such as Canva. You can easily create batches of images.

#9 –Monitor your results – If you know what’s working or not working then you can make changes. Brand24 is an excellent tool for this.

#10 – ManageFlitter provides really useful functionality to find relevant people on Twitter.

#11 – Share other people’s content – If you’re not a generous sharer people won’t be generous sharing out your content.

#12 – Camtasia and ScreenFlow are powerful tools that both provide excellent editing facilities and neither are difficult to use or expensive.

#13 – Build your email subscribers – These are people that have shown an interest in your content so they are more likely to share.

#14 –  Twtrland is a Twitter analytics. You start off by searching based on skill, name or location and then select the relevant profile.

#15 –  Picmonkey is a very simple photo editing tool. One piece of functionality that is really useful is the ability to add text to an image.

#16 – Pin your content – Pin great guides/offers etc to the top of your social media feeds where possible (e.g. Facebook and Twitter). This is what new followers and it will encourage them to visit your website.

#17 – Regarget visitors to your website – You can create ads on social media platforms for people that visited your website before. If they visited before it’s easier to get them to visit again.

#18 – Mention people in your articles and share this – For example, mention some key influencers in your article and use a tool such as notifier.io that will automatically retrieve their Twitter details and add it to a tweet.

#19 – Create better headlines for your blog post titles – You need compelling titles so this encourages more shares and visits.

#20 – On Sharegrab you specify your competitors and ShareGrab will display the most popular content that was recently posted by them on Facebook.

#21 – KnowEm does a search for your name across a variety of services to find out if your name is available.

#22 – Go back to older posts and link to the newer posts? Older posts will typically still have some value from a Google perspective so why not link them to newer content?

#23 – Sparkol is a cool tool for creating animated videos. Using a template (or starting from scratch) you can create cool animations to get your idea across.

#24 – Include social sharing icons in your emails that are promoting your content.

#25 – Do an influencer group post where you ask a group of influencers to give you a tip related to something your audience is interested in. Influencers will share this content which will give you more shares and traffic!

#26 – Create content on high authority websites. These typically get a lot of social shares and a lot of traffic. Make sure you link back to at least one of your posts on your website and this will then get traffic (plus you’ve got a valuable link).

#27 –  JQuery Pinit Button for images is a WordPress plugin that displays a Pinterest symbol when you hover over images so that your visitors can easily pin the images to their boards.

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#28 –  List.ly is a list building tool that allows you to create a list that your community can vote on or add items onto the list.

#29 – Use animated gifs in your content – Did you know that you can share out animated gifs on Twitter? These capture the attention of people in the newsfeed.

#30 – Include website bio link in all social profiles and try to link back to a relevant page (not just your home page).

#31 – Use hasthags where relevant. If you use relevant hashtags this can lead to more engagement. This is particularly important on Twitter and Instagram.

#32 – Join a blogging community such as Triberr. You connect with other link minded people that help promote each other’s content.

#33 – Join more communities – I really like Facebook groups as there are a lot of very interactive groups with great people. This is a great place to get your content promoted. Find engaging communities and invest time in them. If there isn’t a good Facebook group start one!

#34 – Whichloadsfaster.com allows you to do a speed comparison between your site and your competitor’s.

#35 –  Lucky Orange tracks who is on your site and what they are doing. You can view the information in real-time and you can even interact with the visitors while they are on your site.

#36 – If you write a guest post you generally get a link back to your site from within your bio. However, it’s much better to get a link within the content.

#37 – Within Google Analytics you can click on points of the graph and add some commentary related to that particular point. This means that this information is now available in the future.

#38 –  Simply Measured provides a good range of social media reports (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and more) for free. 

#39 – TweetChat allows you to pause the tweets so you get time to read them, reply (with automatic hashtag), remove retweets, remove people from the list of tweets you see and much more.

#40 – Ubersuggest is a good tool for keyword research but also great to get blog post ideas. You type in keywords and you’ll see hundreds of potential areas to write about.

#41 – Twitter cards means that you provide additional information to Twitter when someone shares out your content. For example you tell Twitter about an image in your post. This helps highlight your post when it’s shared.

#42 – The options for scheduling the sharing of content to your Google+ personal profile are quite limited. One option is to use the Chrome plugin called DoShare that allows you schedule the posts.

#43 – Socialbro have smart functionality which goes through your Twitter account and works out when your Twitter users are more likely to be online.

#44 – When you want images for your blog or website Photopin is a good place to go.

#45 – Flare is what you see on the left hand side of this blog post. It allows you to show a vertical and/or horizontal share bar. With the vertical bar as you scroll down a blog post it will move with you.

#46 – When you are uploading your images for your posts make sure you include relevant keywords in your title, description, alt tag.

#47 – Post blog content more frequently or post higher quality content.

#48 – Create content that gets shared more – Use Buzzsumo to research content that is shared more and create more of this content.

#49 – Generate business with vCita. When you have visitors to your website and they are reading your excellent content this is a good opportunity to convert them.

#50 – Tinypng is a tool for reducing the size of your png images. It works great and it’s hard to notice the difference in image quality!

#51 – Track which social channels provide the most traffic and spend more time on this. Check Google analytics for this.



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About Martine Alphonse

Martine Alphonse is the founder of Success Revolution, a go-to hub for bloggers and entrepreneurs who want to learn how to stand out and make an authentic income on the web. Through workshops, ebooks, and ecourses, Martine offers community and expertise for budding online rockstars. As a former web designer and blog coach, Martine also has experience working one-on-one with over 150 creatives. And if we're being honest, she’s also obsessed with fashion and cooking.

1 Comment

  1. This is a great list! Must have taken you a while to put together, it’s very well thoughtout!

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