action habit


action habit



“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.”
Napoleon Hill

We all know of course that results are the cause of action. But how do you develop the habit of taking action? In order for us to successfully implement the habit of taking action, we have to learn how to use our imagination and independent will to overcome our conditioning.

We have a unique endowment as humans, we are responsible. When we take a closer look at the word responsibility we find its roots come from the two words; response and ability. We have the ability to respond, or the ability to take action.

When we make the decision of becoming response-able, we accept that our lives are the product of our choices. The choice to take action, or not will ultimately determine your results. If you want results in life, you must master the habit of taking consistent action.

1. Your environment is a product of you

The reason most people don’t take action is because they think they are a product of their environment. This is a classic case of determinism and a distorted view of reality.

This thinking gets us nowhere as it leaves our fate beyond our control. If our circumstances are beyond our control, naturally, we’ll lack motivation to take action. What’s the point when we’re a product of our environment?

2. Follow your passion

This may seem like a no-brainer, but most people go for exactly the opposite. They go for security, safety and comfort. They spend more time acquiring outer resources, then developing inner ones.

If you’re going to develop the habit of taking action, you need to be motivated.

If you’re doing what you love to do every day, you’re likely to take consistent and massive action.

If you’re working in a job you hate, slaving yourself away in a cubicle, you’re less likely to take action. You’re just going to do the bare minimum to get by.

To develop the habit of action, we need to make goals that inspire us. When we’re inspired, we’ll be motivated and the natural result is that we’ll take lots and lots of action.

Find a way to start doing what you love, even if you have to start small. You’re more likely to develop your talents in something you love, rather than something that gives you a false sense of security. If you feel like you don’t have enough time, consider making time for the important. If we don’t make time for the things that really matter to us, when will we? Who wants to go from the cubicle to the casket?

3. Focus on the results you want, not on the means by which you’ll achieve them

When we’re constantly trying to figure out how we’ll get things done, we’re stuck in the mode of planning. Move your focus to what you want, instead of how you’re going to get it.

Start taking action toward your goals and stop trying to plan everything out perfectly in advance.

Don’t be afraid to make up how you’ll get there as you go along. Use the Ready Fire Aim approach, instead of Ready Aim Aim Aim Aim Fire. Correct your course as you go along instead of trying to find the perfect course. Often the perfect conditions never come and 5 (or 50) years later you realize you’re in the same place you’ve always been.

Don’t let anyone get in your way, most importantly, don’t let yourself get in the way. If your mind has doubts about your ability, silence it. Take a rain check on your opinion.

4. Inspiration and great ideas are the result of action

Don’t wait for inspiration and great ideas to happen to you. Most people think that a great mind precedes great action.

It’s easy to see why people think this way when we refer to the world’s most influential people as “great thinkers” or “great minds.”

What we don’t realize is the reason they were great thinkers is they didn’t wait for inspiration to come to them, they came to the inspiration. They took action and may have failed repeatedly, but the difference is that they didn’t wait around for a great idea to just pop into their heads. They actively sought out inspiration, instead of just passively waiting for it to happen. They were not simply “great thinkers” they were “great doers.”

Not only did they actively seek out ideas and creative genius, but they failed many times before reaching their own level of greatness. Fear of failure didn’t paralyze them. Instead they realized with each failure, they were that much closer to success.

5. Don’t think, what do I have? Think, what do I want?

Are you waiting until all the conditions are right in order for you to take action? Perhaps you think, “if only I had enough time”, “if only I had the money”, “if only I had the resources”, “if only I knew the right people.”

You’re not the only one who’s thought this way. I used to think that I could accomplish my goals “if only I had this.”

If only I was born with better rhythm I could become a good drummer.
If only I was born with a better voice I could write better songs.
If only I had a better memory I might be a better web developer.
If only I was more romantic I could have a better relationship.

Do you know where all this thinking got me? Absolutely nowhere.

Fortunately I managed to overcome my focus on what I didn’t have and started focusing on what I could do.

Stop focusing on what you have and start focusing on what you want. Doors will start to open for you where before there were only walls. And hey, if there’s no door, there’s always a sledge hammer. =P

Implementing the action habit:

  • Start taking action even if you don’t have a clear idea of what needs to be done. Start moving towards you goal. Make corrections later.
  • Make a commitment. Sometimes the easiest way to take action is to make commitment. Tell your friends and family about it, so you have their support. A commitment helps you stay accountable.
  • Enjoy the process of discovery. Trying to plan everything before you start will often paralyze you from taking action. It’s fine to a vision, and actually essentially to success, but don’t let your need to know every detail stop you from taking action.
  • Focus on your strengths, not your limitations. Not everyone will have the same approach to solving a particular problem. Use your unique talents to your advantage.
  • Use your imagination to create to build up your emotional desire. Whatever your goal is, just visualize in your mind for a moment what it would feel like to accomplish your goal. What would it feel like emotionally to know that you completed it? Often this process of creating an emotional build-up will be enough to make us start itching to take action.
  • Let Flickr inspire you. Find a thought related to your goal and do a search for it on flickr. For example, if you want to create a better relationship with your partner, you could do a search for “embrace” or “lovers.” Take a moment to meditate on the image and how it relates to your intentions and desire let it swirl around in your head a little bit. Often images have a powerful effect of getting us to really feel our goals emotionally. The more emotion you have behind your goal, the greater chance that you will take action.

What are you waiting for, a certain shade of green?

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About Martine Alphonse

Martine Alphonse is the founder of Success Revolution, a go-to hub for bloggers and entrepreneurs who want to learn how to stand out and make an authentic income on the web. Through workshops, ebooks, and ecourses, Martine offers community and expertise for budding online rockstars. As a former web designer and blog coach, Martine also has experience working one-on-one with over 150 creatives. And if we're being honest, she’s also obsessed with fashion and cooking.


  1. Great tips and advice. I’m just starting to grasp that as long as you take action then you can start to make a way, but if you’re stagnant then nothing will ever move.

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