15 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Own Business Today + FREE Worksheet

start your own business

15 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Own Business Today

Are you thinking of quitting your job and starting your own thing but not sure if it’s the right decision?
Are you scared of failing? of going broke? of living uncomfortably? of disappointing your loved ones?
Are you scared that you might not be able to live up to your own expectations?

Not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. But if you feel it in your blood and feel an itch to start your own thing, you must do it. The reward is not just the money which most early-stage entrepreneurs don’t have. In fact, most businesses fail. But why am I still encouraging you to start your own thing if you have an itch to do so?

Below are the reasons why starting your own thing might be the best decision you’ll ever make in your life.
And believe me, if you’ve been pondering about doing it, you just have to do it!


1. You Will Be the Captain of Your Own Ship
Life can be a stormy sea, and too many people trust someone else to be the captain of the vessel that carries them along. Don’t relegate yourself to being just another hand on deck. You know that you have what it takes to navigate the storm, to be the captain of your own life, so why would you pass on that responsibility? If you want to venture into uncharted territory, you can start your own business. If you want to play it safe, you can do that too. The important thing is, that you’ll be able to decide on your own, do your own research, and carry out your decisions with full confidence. You can’t do that when you’re depending on a boss or a manager to see you safely through life. But you can, when you have your own business.

2. You will have a greater earning potential
There is far greater opportunity to make money by building your own business than by working for someone else’s. Everyone has heard the phrase, ‘The American Dream.’ I look at it as ‘The American Reality,’ when you’re in business for yourself, you write your own history, you write your own success story, you write your own legacy and most important, you write your own paycheck. Being in business for yourself gives you the opportunity to work your heart out for something you love.

3. You will delete the ‘what-ifs’ in your life.
Most of us are passionate about something. And if we are talented enough to be good at what we’re passionate about, surely we’d want to turn that into a career. But competition might be fierce. The market might be tough. Finances might not look so bright. So, we stick ourselves to the 9-5 because it makes us feel safe and secure.
But what if you’re bored in your job? What if you’re not excited about going to work anymore? What if you’re looking forward to doing something of your passion and having freedom with your own time?


4. You will accelerate your learning curve like never before.
One of the things you will learn when starting your own business is learning. Being an employee, you learn about your role and your industry. However, being your own boss, you have to learn everything – from marketing to accounting, operations, and finance. You will have to keep up-to-date with the new technology, tools, consumer trends, and industry news. You will learn like never before.

Before you know it, you will become a lifelong learner who loves the challenge of learning about something new. You will take life as a progressive journey as you do with business.

There is no better way to accelerate your learning curve like starting your own thing!

5. You will Receive Many Tax Benefits
Living on a salary, as someone else’s employee, there’s little you can do to control your tax situation. It’s simply a fact of life. There are some things you can do to affect it, of course—using retirement plans, deferrals, special savings accounts, and the like, but your options are truly very limited. On the other hand, starting a small business can transform your relationship with taxes. The government is very supportive of small businesses right now, and is likely to continue to be. You’ll be able to write off extraordinary amounts of your income, as long as you hire a good accountant (or educate yourself well on tax law). Bonus points if you can employ family members, even for small tasks—the money stays in the household, the tax write off helps the business, and your family has become a team that drives its own success.

6. You will learn to be independent in your thinking and trust your instinct.
Starting your own business requires you to think on your feet a lot. Whether you start it on your own or with a business partner, you will have to make a decision without a boss or team members who are there for you bounce ideas of. Over and over, you will learn to make decisions independently and become more decisive as you grow. You will learn to trust your gut instinct because no one else knows your business like you do.

It is a wonderful feeling to feel that every decision you make is solely dependent on you.You don’t need to compromise with different opinions from your boss and your colleagues anymore. You make your own decision and you are responsible for it.

7. You will wake up every day driven and motivated to go to work.
Surely this is one of the main reasons why people start their own thing. Nothing feels as exciting as following one’s passion and dreams. You might have a few sleepless nights because reality keeps you up with excitement – thinking about different ideas and strategy, stalking your competitors, and dreaming about the possible dream-come-true. Even during down times not making any sales, you’re still motivated to go to work, fix the bugs, pump up the sales, and make it happen.

Because the business is yours and yours only. You’re not working for somebody else, so work hard and make it happen. The reward will be worth it.

8. You will become more daring and fearless.
Starting one’s business can be scary for any first-time entrepreneur without wealthy parents backing them up. You have to believe in yourself and make daring decisions over and over. From deciding that you will not get a full-time job to investing in the business and making several business decisions on your own.
Becoming an entrepreneur you will get rid of your self-limiting belief like never before. You will learn that nothing is to be scared of. You will learn that your comfort zone keeps expanding every time you get out of your comfort zone.
You will learn to initiate contacts and approach people. You will learn to make things happen and even if you have no idea about something, you will learn about it in every way you can without doubt and without fear. Over and over, this becomes a habit. You will have built this boldness in you and will become used to getting out of your comfort zone

9. You Will Have Pride
Everyone should have a sense of pride in their job, and no one has more pride in what they do than those who are head of their own company. When your company succeeds, that reflects directly on you. When you risk failure to capture a big reward, that’s your risk, and your pay off—and a source of your own pride. When you work for a big company, you might be proud of your position, or your weekly presentation, or your raise, but none of that compares to the feeling of pride you’ll feel in the successes, large and small, of your own business. You’ll be proud of your accomplishments, of course. You’ll be most proud, however, that you had the courage to set out on your own.


10. You know what it feels like to truly follow one’s passion.
Some people might never understand why some people decide to become a struggling artist instead of doing something else for a living. After starting your own business, you will understand how fulfilled it feels to actually follow your dreams and your heart. The reward is not necessarily the money.
The reward is in being your own boss and in the art of creating something that you truly own and love. You will learn what it’s like to sacrifice external things that make you happy (like drinking and eating out) for things that make you happy internally (like making your business succeed).
Of course, a profitable business is what proves your capability as a businessman. However, what truly drives you is not the money; it’s the passion and fulfillment you get from following your dreams.

11. You will become a man of actions and not just words.
A lot of people talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. As an entrepreneur you cannot just talk and don’t make actions. You have to keep your words and follow through. In fact, things will not happen unless you make actions.
Being an entrepreneur teaches you that things don’t happen as you wish, things happen as you do. You cannot ask someone else to do it for you or expect a colleague to help. You are on your own and only actions will bring your idea to life.

12. You will realize that there are so many talented and ambitious people out there.
Being an entrepreneur can be lonely at times. But if you make friends with other entrepreneurs in your community or even around the world, you will realize that there are so many talented and ambitious people out there. You’re not alone. You’re not on your own. And these people are more than happy to share with you their experiences, advice, and recommendations.
Suddenly, the world seems not so small anymore. There is a whole world out there waiting for you to discover, to learn, and to grow.
The more you get immersed into the entrepreneur’s world and interact with other entrepreneurs, the more opportunities you will spot and the more driven you will become.

13. You will never doubt yourself ever again.
Starting your own business takes guts. To be able to take a leap of faith in yourself and jump, you will have already gotten rid of your self-doubt. And on the process of working on your own business, you will become even more of a firm believer in.

14. You will start a movement of one.
We all like to belong, to feel we’re kindred spirits, and that’s why some ideas quickly gain a following and why great ideas can become movements.
Joining a crowd is awesome. But every movement starts with one person who dares to stand up, alone, unprotected, and vulnerable, and be different: to say what others aren’t saying, to do what others aren’t doing–to take a chance and accept the consequences.

15. You Will Create a Legacy
Starting your own business gives you a chance to tell your story, to employ yourself, and to prepare for your own future. But it does something else, as well. It gives you the chance to create a legacy for your children, and their children. You’re starting from scratch, but they won’t have to. Your small, hard won successes today can lay a foundation for the future of your entire family line. You might make a great salary now, but your inheritance can be so much more than just money; it can be a way for children to make their own way in the world. An established business isn’t all you can leave behind, either. You’ll be setting an example, on that tells your children that that their success is up to them. Luck and chance can go in any direction, but determination, resolve, and responsibility are the real recipe for a fulfilling life.




Taking the Plunge
Leaving the rat race is not as daunting as it may seem. You’ll look back in later years and marvel at how easy it was and how much you gained for so little cost.
So what does it take? First, let’s look at what it doesn’t take. You don’t need an MBA or high-powered business background, and you don’t need to be rich or to take a second mortgage on your home. Some self-owned business opportunities require expertise, such as consulting, or can take significant capital investment and possibly training, such as real estate investing and franchises; some can be started on a shoestring and prove quite lucrative, including direct selling and online opportunities. Many of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time began with no advanced degrees and hardly any startup capital.
But make no mistake about it: What you save in cash capital you will make up for in sweat equity and passion. The major investment in most self-owned businesses is investment of one’s self in the form of time, focus and persistence. You don’t need to be a genius at negotiation or a whiz at numbers. You need a burning desire and determination fueled by a strong dose of passion!






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About Martine Alphonse

Martine Alphonse is the founder of Success Revolution, a go-to hub for bloggers and entrepreneurs who want to learn how to stand out and make an authentic income on the web. Through workshops, ebooks, and ecourses, Martine offers community and expertise for budding online rockstars. As a former web designer and blog coach, Martine also has experience working one-on-one with over 150 creatives. And if we're being honest, she’s also obsessed with fashion and cooking.


  1. Great post. All those are excellent reasons. I love being a business owner and waking up each morning to my empire.

  2. YES. Great post!

    1. Thank you Elizabeth, glad you liked it.

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