How To Release Negative Feelings

To attract what you want in life, you must live in a state of love, joy and gratitude. Negative environments stir up feelings of fear, anxiety and doubt, which must be released so that you can return to a higher state of feeling and vibration.feelings

The Sedona Method, created by Hale Dwoskin, offers a fast and effective solution to the need to release negative feelings.

OneStart by tuning in to the feeling that is disturbing you. Really feel the emotion – welcome it and let it flood your body.

TwoThen ask yourself, “Could I let it [the feeling] go?” Both “yes” and “no” are acceptable answers.

ThreeNext, ask, “Would I let it go?” If your answer is “no,” ask whether you would rather have this feeling or would you rather be free.

FourFinally, ask, “When?” This is an invitation to let the feeling go now. You can make the decision to release a feeling anytime you want. Repeat the entire process as often as needed until you feel free of that particular feeling.

Most people either wallow in their negative emotions or they try to resist experiencing negative feelings. Neither approach works. Use the Sedona Method to allow your emotions to flow through you, so that you can return to a positive state.

To your success,
