These are just 15 money making ideas to help get you started. Making money using Pinterest isn’t easy and you must be creative.

The 15 Ways to Make Money With Pinterest

Offering Services or Non-Physical Products

Selling products is easier than offering services; however, with a little creativity you can really capture your target market’s attention when you put these four tactics into play.

  1. Customer Testimonials.  Turn customer testimonials into a fancy quote image. Testimonials really do help sell more product, this is a different way to share your customer’s opinions about your services.
  2. Videos.  Pin video testimonials. When you use #2 and this one together you can get more pins and get the message out in different ways. Some people love the look of quotes and will read those while others would rather watch a video.
  3. Share important tips. Help your customers by giving them ‘how to’ tips. If you are a wedding planner, then give them some important tips on how to shop for the best and least expensive wedding dress. Or give ideas on how to plan the best outdoor wedding. When you give valuable tips, your followers will spend more time on your website and you may get more business.

These are just 15 money making ideas to help get you started. Making money using Pinterest isn’t easy and you must be creative.

Offer Digital or Online Training Programs

  1. Turn product solutions into an infographic.  Infographics are very popular and get a lot of attention. If you share something of value on your products, then the infographic will get more repins and you will reach more customers. It doesn’t have to cost you a dime to create an infographic.
  2. Share impressive statistics.  Create graphics that portray current statistics that support the product.
  3. Video solutions. People are always looking for answers to their problems. So produce a video that shows how your product or offering can help give a solution to their problems. Sales is really about fixing other people’s problems, when you do this, you will gain more customers.
  4. Offer previews of your online training course. Letting them test drive your online program gives them a little taste but can keep them coming back for more. Let them test it out for 48 hours and then they can upgrade to the paid program. If you are looking for additional Pinterest training, then register for my Power of Pinterest email course, click here.

Sell Physical Products

  1. Show your product in use. One of the biggest mistakes when offering physical products is only showing a picture of the product itself. Many times, people don’t always see themselves using the product until they see how it influences their lifestyle. When you show people using or enjoying your products, then they can visualize themselves using it too.
  2. Use images that show how a product is a solution to a problem. This is another way to reach your customers by showing how your product will solve their problems.
  3. Repin customer support.  What are your customers saying about your brand?  Repin images from other customers and how they are using your product.  Sometimes your customers get more creative about your products than your brand will.
  4. Offer coupons or discounts. People love coupons or special deals and have a tendency to repin and share with their followers.
  5. Pin customer testimonials. Again, testimonials are great especially in video. You can run a contest asking for your customers to film a 2 minute video telling why they love the product and you can give away a prize to the best video. Then you will have a lot of videos to pin on Pinterest.

These are just 15 money making ideas to help get you started. Making money using Pinterest isn’t easy and you must be creative.

Affiliate Programs & Shopping Carts

  1. Link images to the type of affiliates or products you are offering.

Amazon Associates. You can sign up for free and offer products that link back to Amazon. I started a social media bookstore.

  • Etsy
  • eBay
  • Clickbank
  • Build Your Email / Client List

No matter what size your business, you need to always be growing your client list. This means you have an opt-in page that will gather your customer’s name and email so you can continue to communicate about new services, promotions, and products over time. Below are ideas on how to give a valuable offering your customer will want so they will enter their name and email. If you need more training, read another blog article How You Can Make Money Using Pinterest.

  1. Focus on offering a giveaway. Maybe a free report, free e-book, video training, etc.
  2. Link your eye-catching images to a landing page. Be sure that your picture is clear on the subject and it matches your offer on the landing page. You don’t want your followers to view your pins as spam.

These are just 15 ideas to help get you started. Making money using Pinterest isn’t easy and you must be creative on how you represent your business, services and products as well as always be pinning.

power of pinterest

power of pinterest



About Martine Alphonse

Martine Alphonse is the founder of Success Revolution, a go-to hub for bloggers and entrepreneurs who want to learn how to stand out and make an authentic income on the web. Through workshops, ebooks, and ecourses, Martine offers community and expertise for budding online rockstars. As a former web designer and blog coach, Martine also has experience working one-on-one with over 150 creatives. And if we're being honest, she’s also obsessed with fashion and cooking.